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26. Rotem Gal-Katzir, Emily Porter, Yarden Mazor, "Analytical Model For The Contribution Of Small Scatterers to Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Measurements", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Early Access (2025). [Journal Link]


25. Y.  Mazor, "Nonreciprocal surface plasmons in angularly varying magnetized cylindrically rolled graphene", Phys. Rev. B 110, 085410  (2024). [Journal Link]


24.  Idan ShemTov, Anwesha Mukherjee, Zoe Musafi, Evgeny Pikhay, Doron Greental, Yakov Roizin, Yarden Mazor, and Yossi Rosenwaks, "Antenna Effect in Large Area Palladium-Coated Electrostatically Formed Silicon Nanowire for Ppb Level Hydrogen Sensing",  ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (5), 3610-3616 (2024). [Journal Link]


23.  E. Landa*, L. Leiderman*, Y. Mazor, and I. Epstein, "Extending the Propagation Length of Graphene Plasmons via Nonlinear Frequency Conversion",  Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 083101 (2024). [Journal Link]


22. N. Goshen, and Y. Mazor, "Single-Layer, All Metallic Metasurface Filter With Nearly 90° Angularly Stable Resonance",IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 72, 5, 4212-4220, (2024) [IEEE TAP]


21. Y. Mazor, and O. Kfir, "Sub-Terahertz Nearfields for Electron-Pulse Compression", Opt. Express 31, 37980-37992 (2023), [Journal link]


20. T. Zchut, and Y. Mazor, "Deep-Subwavelength Direction-Of-Arrival Detection with Enhanced Sensitivity Using Temporal Modulation", Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 054041 (2023), [Journal link].


19. T. Eini, T. Asherov, Y. Mazor, and I. Epstein, "Valley-polarized Hyperbolic-Exciton-Polaritons in Multilayer 2D Semiconductors at Visible Frequencies", Phys. Rev. B 106, L201405 (2022), [Journal link].


18. Y. G. Peng, Y. Mazor, A. Alù, “Fundamentals of acoustic Willis media”, Wave Motion 112, 102930 (2022), [Journal link]


17. Y. Mazor, M. Cotrufo, and A. Alù, “Unitary Excitation Transfer between Coupled Cavities Using Temporal Switching”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 013902 (2021), [Journal link]


16. G. Hu, M. Wang, Y. Mazor, C. W. Qiu, A Alù, “Tailoring Light with Layered and Moiré Metasurfaces”, Trends in Chemistry (2021), [Journal link]


15. H. Esfahlani, Y. Mazor and Andrea Alù, “Homogenization and design of acoustic Willis metasurfaces”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 054306 (2021), [Journal link]


14. Y. Mazor, A. Alù, “Routing optical spin and pseudospin with metasurfaces”, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014029 (2020)  [Journal link]


13. G. Hu, Q. Ou, G. Si, Y. Wu, J. Wu, Z. Dai, A. Krasnok, Y. Mazor, Q. Zhang, Q. Bao, C. W. Qiu, A. Alù, “Topological polaritons and photonic magic angles in twisted α-MoO3 bilayers”, Nature, 582, 209–213 (2020). [Journal link][Physics World - top 10 breakthroughts of the year][][Independant]


12. G. Hu, A. Krasnok, Y. Mazor, C. W. Qiu, A. Alù, “Moiré Hyperbolic Metasurfaces”, Nano Letters, 20, 5, 3217-3224 (2020). [Journal link][]


11. Y. Mazor, A. Alù, “One-Way Hyperbolic Metasurfaces Based on Synthetic Motion”, IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop, 68, 3, 1739 – 1747 (2020). [Journal link]


10. Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Rest frame interference in rotating structures and metamaterials”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 243204 (2019).  [Journal link]


9. Y. Mazor, A. Alù, “Nonreciprocal hyperbolic propagation over moving metasurfaces”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 045407 (2019).  [Journal link]


8. Y. Mazor, A. Alù, “Angular-momentum selectivity and asymmetry in highly confined wave propagation along sheath-helical metasurface tubes”, Phys. Rev. B 99, 155425 (2019).  [Journal link]


7. Y. Mazor, M. Meir and Ben Z. Steinberg, “Dark mode–Faraday rotation synergy for enhanced magneto-optics”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 035115 (2017).  [Journal link]


6. Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Modal and excitation asymmetries in magnetodielectric particle chains”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 235114 (2016). [Journal link]


5. Y. Mazor, Y. Hadad, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Planar one-way guiding in periodic particle arrays with asymmetric unit cell and general group-symmetry considerations”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 125129 (2015).  [Journal link]


4. Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Waves in almost periodic particle chains “, Phys. Rev. B 90, 045151 (2014).  [Journal link]


3. Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Metaweaves: Sector-Way Nonreciprocal Metasurfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 153901 (2014).  [Journal link]


2. Y. Hadad, Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Green’s function theory for one-way particle chains”, Physical Review B 87 (3), 035130 (2013). [Journal link]


1. Y. Mazor, Ben Z. Steinberg, “Longitudinal chirality, enhanced nonreciprocity, and nanoscale planar one-way plasmonic guiding”, Physical Review B 86 (4), 045120 (2012). [Journal link]


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